Spiritual Guidance Options - Janet Weissman
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What is it? 

A Course in Miracles is a spiritual path based on the thought there are always two choices being offered in every moment.  One is Love and the other is Fear.  From the perspective of ACIM only one of these choices is “real”.


Why should I learn about A Course in Miracles?

What the Course offers is the consideration that simply changing our thoughts will change our life.  This information is found in the teachings of all spiritual leaders, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Greg Braden and countless others. The power of our thoughts and the effects we experience from our thoughts has an undeniable connection. Realizing you have the power within yourself to positively change your life is very empowering. This is what ACIM has offered to millions of worldwide students for over 50 years.


Are you interested?

Please contact me through this website or email for more information.  Besides the group classes, I offer one-on-one study sessions.


What is it? 

I always think of Reiki as an energy tune-up. A one hour sessions offers profound relaxation and alignment of what the Sanskrit tradition calls chakras. The seven major chakras in the body are the centers through which energy flows. Like our emotions the chakras can be affected by everyday life situations, when they are closed or misaligned, we can experience a “disturbance in the force”. Reiki has been shown to balance and open the chakra system.


How Can Reiki Help?

Just as a massage helps to release stored energy in the body muscles, reiki can assist the flow of energy in the body. I have been told reiki cannot be identified as “healing” according to state laws. However, anytime we can soothe the mind that believes it is ill we open up a space for healing to occur.


Are you interested?

Please contact me to schedule a reiki session. We can discuss fees and appointment times.


The next one day workshop will be on what I believe to be at the heart of all personal growth – Self Love. If you look at the impressive work of Louise Hay you will notice the recurring theme of the healing power of Self Love. Loving and approving of who we truly are is indeed the springboard to appreciation and gratitude.
Please subscribe to this website to be notified of all upcoming events.


Booking one or a series of individual sessions with me will allow us to explore any blocks that may be keeping you stuck or diminishing your awareness of real joy in your life.

Contact me for availability and rates.